08 November 2014

NRecursions stats

Crossed ten thousand page views already!

The major traffic appears to be from people who need some help with technology and the answers are provided here. Bot visits also get counted, apparently. Considered going for Google Analytics, but the terms and conditions mentions:

"...the Service is provided without charge to You for up to 10 million Hits per month per account. Google may change its fees and payment policies for the Service from time to time...Any outstanding balance becomes immediately due and payable upon termination of this Agreement"

Although ten million hits seems far-fetched, the policy changes are scary.

I had installed ClustrMaps on May 2010, and it seems to provide a more accurate statistic.

Two thousand four hundred plus visitors. Other counters will even take into account the 'hits' to a page via RSS feeds etc. But ClustrMaps counts a visit only when a person actually visits NRecursions and the ClustrMaps icon gets rendered. So bots aren't counted. Only real visitors including myself.
If someone visiting from a specific IP address reloads the NRecursions page 20 times in one day, they will be counted as just 1 visit. This is more representative of the overall flow of visitors to the site. That's why I named it "Recursors". Real people recursively visit this blog :-)

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